DELTA, BC (October 04, 2022) Saltworks Technologies, Inc. has completed its AirBreather pilot testing using saline-produced water samples collected from natural gas operations in Montney Play, BC. The project’s goal was to use the AirBreather evaporator-crystallizer units to convert saline-produced water (brine) into clean water for reuse or into vapour for safe release into the atmosphere.
The treated liquid water from the AirBreather units successfully meets the BC Aquatic Life Water Quality guidelines, with slight traces of mineral metals removed during full-scale installations. The solid salt produced for two of the three water samples also successfully meets Transport Canada’s road salt specification as defined by ASTM International (“ASTM”): >95% calcium-sodium chloride without “deleterious” substances.

Image: Saltworks’ AirBreather Pilot Exterior
“Having developed the SaltMaker platform to excel in the treatment of oil and gas-produced waters, we are very proud to see AirBreather advance, providing our clients with an excellent option for lowering operating costs and improving sustainability outcomes,” said Joshua Zoshi, COO of Saltworks.
Co-funded by Geoscience BC, Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) and the NGIF Industry Grants, Saltworks’ AirBreather is set to achieve a reduction in saline water treatment and disposal costs for energy companies in the natural gas production industry in Montney, BC. This innovative technology also guarantees low emissions, air-safe thermal evaporation and zero liquid discharge (ZLD).

Image: Saltworks’ operator showing zero liquid discharge (ZLD) salts collected from the AirBreather evaporator-crystallizer
“Innovative technologies that can positively impact wastewater treatment and disposal methods in BC’s Northeast Region will be important in supporting Canada’s move towards its net-zero targets,” said Geoscience BC President and CEO Gavin C. Dirom. “The Saltworks Airbreather Pilot project helps improve the understanding of produced brines and the technology needed to treat them.”
NGIF Industry Grants invested $185,994 towards the development and testing of Saltworks’ AirBreather evaporator-crystallizer. “NGIF was excited to support Saltworks’ innovative technology to improve the environment and reduce operating costs in the natural gas industry, and we are happy to see the successful completion of the project,” said John Adams, President and CEO of NGIF Capital Corporation and Managing Partner of NGIF Cleantech Ventures. “NGIF Industry Grants and its focus on de-risking clean technologies through field trials and pilots are part of NGIF’s integrated model of industry validation, customer creation, and market commercialization.”
“Water management and disposal is an often-overlooked facet of energy production. To meet the energy needs of Canadians, producers require a solution to dispose of wastewater safely and efficiently. Supporting Saltworks’ AirBreather is yet another example of the gas industry’s commitment to work across the value chain to improve environmental performances while maintaining reliable, affordable energy services. Investments in companies such as Saltworks provide tangible benefits across the industry and value chain, while delivering a solution to meet the highest standards for wastewater management,” said Timothy M. Egan, President and CEO, Canadian Gas Association and Chair, NGIF Capital Corporation.
NGIF Investors and Project Partners

About NGIF Industry Grants
NGIF Industry Grants is a first-of-kind, industry-led grant organization to fund early-stage startups developing solutions to environmental and other challenges facing Canada’s natural gas sector. NGIF Industry Grants develops, demonstrates, and de-risks these technology solutions through field trials and pilot projects to drive innovation and support environmental goals in Canada. NGIF Industry Grants’ investment focus is on existing natural gas production, transmission, distribution, storage, and end-use applications, as well as projects that will lead to the expanded production of emerging gaseous fuels like renewable natural gas and hydrogen. The organization has built a portfolio of startups, trusted partnerships with the government for co-funding opportunities, and a robust technical evaluation investment model. NGIF Industry Grants is operated by NGIF Capital Corporation.
About NGIF Capital Corporation
NGIF Capital Corporation is a Canadian venture capital (VC) firm offering grant and equity financing for startups that deliver solutions to the environmental and other challenges facing the natural gas sector. NGIF Capital Corporation is unique in how it brings Canada’s energy industry leadership to every investment. Like other VCs, it takes new companies and their ideas from concept to commercialization. Unlike other VCs, NGIF Capital Corporation has strong connections to every part of the gas value chain, from production through to end-use, offering it a means to test, develop, and accelerate the commercial implementation of innovative gas technology wherever it fits in the sector. The model benefits consumers, investors, and Canadian society as a whole. NGIF Capital Corporation operates NGIF Industry Grants (the original Natural Gas Innovation Fund), the NGIF Emissions Testing Centre, and NGIF Cleantech Ventures. NGIF Capital Corporation is wholly owned by CGA Enterprises, a venture of the Canadian Gas Association.
About Saltworks Technologies
Saltworks Technologies is a leader in the development and delivery of solutions for industrial wastewater treatment and lithium refining. Founded in 2008, Saltworks works with customers to understand their unique challenges and focuses on continuous innovation. From its headquarters in Richmond, BC, Canada, Saltworks designs, builds, and operates full-scale water treatment and lithium refining plants, and offers comprehensive offsite and onsite testing services with its fleet of mobile pilots. For more information, visit:
About Geoscience BC
Geoscience BC’s Corporate, Individual, Student and Associate membership program makes it easier for a wider range of partners to provide more input on, and benefit from, Geoscience BC research priorities and project ideas as the transition to a lower carbon economy increases demand for British Columbia’s natural resources.
Geoscience BC generates independent, public geoscience research and data about British Columbia’s minerals, energy and water resources. This advances knowledge, informs responsible development, encourages investment and stimulates innovation.
Our collaboration with the resource sectors, academia, communities, Indigenous groups and government develops and shares unbiased and credible earth science research and data. Geoscience BC is a not-for-profit society incorporated under the BC Societies Act. Visit or follow us @GeoscienceBC to find out more.
About CGA
The Canadian Gas Association (CGA) is the voice of Canada’s gaseous energy delivery industry, including natural gas, renewable natural gas (RNG) and hydrogen. CGA membership includes energy distribution and transmission companies, equipment manufacturers, and suppliers of goods and services to the industry. CGA’s utility members are Canadian-owned and active in eight provinces and one territory. CGA members meet 38 per cent of Canada’s energy needs through a network of over 577,000 kilometres of underground infrastructure. The versatility and resiliency of this infrastructure allows it to deliver an ever-changing gas supply mix to over 7.4 million customer locations representing approximately two-thirds of Canadians. CGA members ensure Canadians get the affordable, reliable, clean gaseous energy they want and need. CGA is also working to constantly improve that gaseous energy offering, by driving forward innovation through the Natural Gas Innovation Fund (NGIF).
Fund Information:
John Adams
President and CEO, NGIF Capital Corporation
Managing Partner, NGIF Cleantech Ventures
Media Information:
Ayoola Ajibare
Communications Coordinator, NGIF Capital Corporation
(403) 389-2212
Richard Truman
Geoscience BC
604-662-4147 / 778-929-1662